Wow, a lot has happened since my last post.

I realized that I wanted to start my blog all over again. I found a direction that I feel way more passionate about – an insecurity that I’ve turned into a journey of self-development and acceptance! I’ve decided to begin embracing the identity of “that emotional friend.”

Ya know, the one that seems to be out of control.

The one that could be crazy…

The one that cries easily.

The one that laughs way too loud!

The one that is simply too much to handle.

That’s me.

So, stick around if you dare. Everything is changing this year. And to be honest, I wasn’t going to keep this old blog at all, but due to some miscommunications with my website host’s technical support, my new blog got deleted (LOL).

So here we are. Keeping the bones but building something brand new.

Come on in! Don’t mind the mess… Pour some tea while I clean this up and let’s chat.

-Your emotional friend