Lately I’ve found my passions have seemed to blossom like the flowers arriving with this season. I think it’s because I’m enjoying more sunshine and being able to walk to work and get fresh air. And maybe it’s also because I’ve had the privilege of teaching my passion of crochet with someone else recently, who is now working on an afghan! #soproud

There is something about sharing passion, which I have mentioned before, that reminds you about who you are. And really knowing who you are, knowing your DNA, your identity, your worldview, is such a great feeling. It takes time and soul-searching though.

It’s a feeling that often comes after you’ve struggled through your teens years to figure yourself out and your place in the world. Once you’ve tried out different paths or hobbies to finally learn what ignites sparks inside your soul. What gets you up and keeps you going because of thankfulness rather than duty.

I have noticed that most people have multiple passions which brings them together with other people. We all want to be part of a tribe, but only one that accepts us for who we are or who we could be. Even humans who don’t feel too comfortable with most social situations want a tribe – look at the introvert community! Each tribe is different for a reason, and we can join as many as we want.

If you’re struggling with isolation or feeling like you don’t fit in – perhaps you live somewhere rural, like me? The cover photo is a picture I took of my tiny village – please remind yourself that there are about 8 billion people in the world right now… there is a place for you, and it’s okay if it takes a little while to find it.

Some things that are important to me when looking for a tribe though are the following:

  • Do they share my morals?
  • Do they encourage me in my passion?
  • Do they exhibit qualities I want to see in myself?
  • Am I being asked to blindly obey group standards? (If yes, this is a cult!)

Some “tribes” I am in include:

  • My church family <3
  • Yarn community
  • Contradance community
  • Blue Wave Taekwondo Association
  • Writing groups online

Sometimes, tribes disband and it can be very sad, but it is natural and you can find more. Some tribes I was once in came from a local theatre, an Irish dance studio, and college. It’s natural for seasonal tribes to end, but can be very easy to slip into depression afterwards if you do not keep looking forward to what is next.

Recently my best friend and I realized that since finishing college we haven’t spend a whole lot of time with other people. We both need social relationships outside of our significant others, so a few months ago we decided to start calling once a week to talk, write, cook, or crochet together. This has been awesome and definitely helped inspire me to pick up hobbies I was dropping. I think that a best friend is someone who bonds with you through multiple shared interests and is loyal and appreciative. I am so thankful for my bestie of 13+ years.

So, just to sum up, it feels really great to spend time with other people who share one or more of your passions. So spend time figuring out what it is that you really love first!

What tribes are you a part of? Please comment to inspire other readers!

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